Frühjahrstreffen 2025 / Spring time meeting in 2025
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Das Herbsttreffen 2025 findet am 25.10.2025 in der Zooschule des Kölner Zoo statt.
Fruit doves inspire us by their colorfulness and their calm and mostly peaceful nature. As aviary birds, they are long-lived and eager to reproduce, provided that their basic husbandry requirements are met. The populations of these wonderful birds, which are often not recognized as pigeons by laymen because of their exotic colorful plumage, are threatened everywhere in their tropical countries of origin. Habitat destruction directly affects the rainforest habitats of the fruit doves. In captivity, with dedicated private keepers and in zoological gardens, there are considerable populations of various fruit pigeon species. It is important to preserve these populations as important genetic reserves and to develop them responsibly!
To this end, interested breeders, zoos and bird parks joined forces in spring 2007 to work together for the genera Ptilinopus, Ducula, Treron, Alectroenas, Gymnophaps and Phapitreron. They founded the European Fruit Pigeon Project in the Walsrode Bird Park as a project of the Wild Pigeon Interest Group of the Association for Species Conservation, Aviculture and Bird Breeding (AZ). In the meantime, the European Fruit Pigeon Project has become an independent interest group.
Zielsetzung des Projektes ist es zum einen, Haltungs- und Zuchterfahrungen bestmöglich auszutauschen und zu optimieren. Darüber hinaus stellt aber auch die Optimierung des Tieraustauschs zur Verbreiterung und Verbesserung der Zuchten eine wichtige Aufgabe dar. Die Halter werden durch das Projekt stärker miteinander vernetzt und neue Kontakte hergestellt. Gleichzeitig wird der Überblick über die vorhandenen und zu verpaarenden Tiere durch zentrale Datenerfassung größer. Nachzuchten und überzählige Tauben werden zuerst im Projekt den Züchtern angeboten.
Twice a year, the project meetings at a participating zoological institution provide fixed points of contact for technical presentations and animal exchanges. The partnership between scientifically managed zoos and passionate hobby breeders is particularly important to us, as both sides can benefit enormously from each other. Also import efforts are undertaken by the project responsible persons, in order to bring fresh blood into the European breedings.
Fruit doves have a stocky build, a short, thick bill, short, stout feet, medium-length wings and a short tail formed of fourteen feathers, usually straight, rarely somewhat wedge-shaped elongation. The vividly colored plumage in some places is striking.
New Guinea, Eastern Australia
1. Megaloprepia magnifica magnifica - Eastern Australia (South Queensland to central eastern New South Wales)
2. Megaloprepia magnifica puella - Northwest New Guinea (Vogelkop Peninsula) and offshore islands (Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool)
3. Megaloprepia magnifica poliura – Lowlands of New Guinea (except Vogelkop Peninsula) and islands off the north coast
4. Megaloprepia magnifica assimilis - Northeast Australia (Cape York Peninsula)
5. Megaloprepia magnifica keri - Northeast Australia (Bellenden Ker Range)
29-45 cm
No external distinguishing characteristics for 1.0/0.1
Ring size: 7.0
Status in the project:
Stock small and still developing, breeding not easy
Sumatra, Java and Bali
28 cm
Coloration differences of the sexes see pictures
Temperature: preferably not below 20° C
Shared housing with other pigeons possible
Ring size: 7.0
Breeding time: 21 days
Nesting period: 13-15 days
Recoloring: approx. 6 months
Status in the project:
Stock secured, is regularly replenished
New Guinea and Raja Ampat Islands
1. Ptilinopus p. pulchellus
2. Ptilinopus pulchellus decorus
18-20 cm
External differentiation of the sexes difficult. Males with more extensive purple and orange parts on the ventral plumage.
Ring size: 5,0-5,5
Status in the project:
Stock secured, is regularly replenished
Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas, Northern and Eastern Australia
1. Ptilinopus r. regina - Eastern Australia from Cape York Peninsula southward, Torres Strait Islands
2. Ptilinopus regina ewingii - northern australia
3. Ptilinopus regina flavicollis - Flores, Roti, Savu, Semau and Western Timor
4. Ptilinopus regina roseipileum - Eastern Timor, Wetar, Romang, Kisar, Moa and Leti
5. Ptilinopus regina xanthogaster - Banda, Kai Islands, Damar, Sermata, Babar, Teun, Nila, Tanimbar and Aru Islands
22 cm
No external distinguishing characteristics for 1.0/0.1
Temperature: preferably not below 20° C
Community keeping with other pigeons only possible to a limited extent due to pronounced territorial behavior
Ring size: 5.5-6.0
Breeding time: 18 days
Nesting period: 12-13 days
Recoloring: approx. 9 months
Status in the project:
Stock still in development, breeding not quite easy, unfavorable sex ratio in the offspring.
Sulawesi, southern Moluccas, Aru Islands, New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands, northeastern Australia
1. Ptilinopus s. superbus - Aru Islands, New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands, Northeastern Australia
2. Ptilinopus superbus temminckii - Sulawesi, Southern Moluccas
21-24 cm
Coloration differences of the sexes see pictures
Ring size: 6.0-6.5
Status in the project:
Stock secured, is regularly replenished
Thailand, southern Indochina, Malay Peninsula, western Indonesia, Philippines
8 subspecies have been described, but most are not recognized today.
23,5-28 cm
Ring size: 7.0
Status in the project:
Stock secured, is regularly replenished